Minor Works Icon

Minor Works module

WebContractor can streamline and automate Minor Works Orders, providing greater visibility for all parties involved, with comprehensive tracking, logging, and documentation available for audit by clients.

Match and approve subcontractor invoices, notify the subcontractor, and send their invoice information to finance systems for payment, all from within the platform.


Minor Works Screen

The need for minor works management

Many contractors carry out small or minor works.

This is often maintenance work usually carried out under some form of period-based agreement, such as a 5-year framework agreement. The contractor, or the representative of the contractor’s client, or both, can be required to provide condition surveys of the client’s assets and prepare Job Requests when some form of maintenance or repair work is required.

Module benefits

Collate, track and record minor works, all in one place

WebContractor can help contractors manage this process in one seamless platform, allowing the subcontractor to submit requests and upload documentation, with full recording and tracking to provide the required documentation and evidence to the end client.

Reduce Minor Works Admin Icon

Reduce minor works admin

Reduce admin with automated clearance, approval, and submission for payment of all subcontractor invoices fully matched to a Work Order Instruction.
Automated Reminders Icon

Compliance, automated

WebContractor automatically issues all necessary Payment Notices to ensure compliance with the UK Construction Act and Ireland’s Construction Contracts Act.
Group 2540

Full audit trail and document storage

WebContractor ensures that comprehensive documentary evidence supporting the work is collected and available for audit.

From Job Request to Work Order

Creating a Job Request with WebContractor starts the process of recording and tracking, flowing through to the issue of a detailed Work Order Instruction to a subcontractor.
Communicate Directly with Subcontractors Icon

Communicate directly with subcontractors

The subcontractor receives all Work Order Instructions via WebContractor, where they can upload supporting documents and track the status of all outstanding work and payments.
Bringing-it Together Icon

Bring everything together

WebContractor collates all information for minor works orders in one place, recording progress, collecting and logging all the documents, and allowing payment to be issued.

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